
    Nutrition and Beauty

    Posted by shrimania Monday, January 18, 2010 0 comments

    Nutrition, Beauty, and Healthy Body Type Diet Plans

    This section contains articles that will give you the complete body makeover. Find information that will give you a healthy body and soul from the inside and out. For specific problems, such as dandruff, we have dandruff remedies. For general healthy living, we have heart smart and cholesterol lowering diets. For anti aging skin care, we have the facts to educate you on selecting a hand and body lotion appropriate for your skin type.

    Breast Cancer

    Posted by shrimania 0 comments

    Understanding breast cancer and risk factors for developing breast cancer

    Anatomy of the breasts
    It is important to understand the structure and location of the breasts and the structures connecting the breasts to the rest of the body enabling them to function as glands.

    The breasts are gland-containing organs situated on the front of the chest. Each breast consists of 15 to 20 lobes, which are sections of glandular tissue that together make up the breast as a whole. Within the lobes are many smaller sections called lobules. Lobules contain groups of tiny glands that can produce milk. Milk flows from the lobules through thin tubes called ducts to the nipple. The nipple is in the center of a dark area of skin called the areola. Fat fills the spaces between the lobules and ducts.

    The tissue and glands of the breast are connected to the rest of the body via lymph and blood vessels (arteries and veins). Lymph vessels are similar to blood vessels. However, they contain lymphatic fluid, a type of body fluid that contains white blood cells, the immune cells that defend the body against infection and disease. These lymph vessels lead to small, round organs called lymph nodes, sometimes called lymph glands. Some groups of lymph nodes are situated near the breast in the axilla (underarm). Other lymph nodes are situated in locations near the breast including above the collarbone and in the chest behind the breastbone. The lymph nodes trap bacteria, cancer cells, or other harmful substances and, therefore, are involved in the body's immune response to disease.

    In 2007 the American Cancer Society (ACS) estimates that breast cancer is the most common cancer to be diagnosed in women and the second most common cause of cancer death in women after lung and bronchial cancer. Also according to the ACS one in eight American women are at risk of developing breast cancer in their lifetime. Scientists are studying breast cancer to learn more about its causes, and they are looking for better ways to prevent, find, and treat it.

    Cancer is a disease that begins in cells, the building blocks that form the tissues. Tissues make up the organs of the body. Normally, cells grow and divide to form new cells as the body needs them. When cells grow old, they die, and new cells take their place. Sometimes, this orderly process breaks down. New cells form when the body does not need them, and old cells do not die when they should. These extra cells can form a mass of tissue called a growth or tumor.

    What is Abnormal Uterine Bleeding?

    Abnormal uterine bleeding is any type of bleeding from the vagina that is not normal. This may mean that you are bleeding at times of the month other than your period, or that your period is unusually heavy. If you are changing a pad or tampon more than once every 1-2 hours, your period is unusually heavy. If your period lasts more than 7 days or fewer than 2 days, this is also abnormal uterine bleeding.

    Abnormal uterine bleeding occurs in most women at some point in their lives. It is common in older women whose hormones are fluctuating due to the onset of perimenopause or menopause. Abnormal uterine bleeding is also common in the first year or two of menstruation. Vaginal bleeding in girls before the onset of the menses is abnormal. In postmenopausal women, vaginal bleeding that persists for 12 months after the cessation of the menses is abnormal. Other conditions may also cause abnormal uterine bleeding.

    In general, we should avoid speculation about particular when the diagnoses can be fatal.

    Pregnancy Care

    Posted by shrimania 0 comments you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, it is essential that you learn what to expect during pregnancy - from prenatal care to the changes your body will undergo as your child grows inside you. Learning all that you can about pregnancy will help you make the wise decisions and increase your chances for a happy and healthy outcome.

    When you're pregnant, you're no longer responsible for just one person but two. The little one growing inside you depends on you for nutrition and a safe resting place for the next nine months. So the lifestyle choices you make during pregnancy will not only affect your health, but also your baby's.

    To increase your chance of carrying a healthy baby to term, remember to get extra rest, eat healthier foods, and maintain some kind of exercise routine. Not only will these habits make you feel better, it gives you a better chance of having a better pregnancy. Don't forgetto avoid indulging in bad habits - like alcohol, smoking, and drug use - as this may harm your baby.

    Abusive relationships are bad in general, but it is essential that you escape abuse when you are pregnant. Abuse often gets worse during pregnancy, which will put both you and your baby at risk.

    Women Health Care

    Posted by shrimania 2 comments

    Women's health
    Women Health

    Women Health Care

    Women have unique health concerns. From weight loss issues to pregnancy and breast health, to the various ways that health affects women, women’s health covers a broad range of topics. One of the key factors in maintaining women’s health is employing physicians who understand women and their unique needs. Women have a lighter bone structure than men, which makes them prone to osteoporosis and broken bones as they age. The lighter bone mass also makes them susceptible to weakening bone mass as women age. There are various treatment options women have when dealing with bone health, and it is vital that women are aware of their bone health from an early age. The way a woman treats her bones in her twenties can affect her bone strength in her eighties. Calcium supplementation and medication which helps to restore bone strength are treatment options available to women through their physician. Osteoporosis can lead to a loss of independence in older women. Women are more prone to heart disease than men. Women are not only more likely to have a heart attack than men, they are also less likely to survive one. Heart health is particularly important for women, as over 350,000 women in the United States alone die annually from heart disease. A healthy lifestyle is the best defense against heart disease. Promoting women’s heart health to increase public awareness is especially important, and physicians who understand women’s health are most likely to effectively promote women’s heart care needs.
    Women's health
    Women require 1600 calories per day to maintain a healthy body weight at a sedentary lifestyle. Women who consume less than 1600 are putting stress on their bodies which can lead to various forms of disease and complications. Women face an extraordinary amount of pressure to keep their bodies in shape and to maintain the appearance of a 25 year old, while men do not. This adds complications to women’s health issues, especially for those who succumb to the pressure. Women are willing to risk an unhealthy state of health in order to please a societal view of what a woman should look like. Physicians who are in tune with women’s health issues can help regulate women and help them reach their weight loss goals in a healthy manner. Postpartum depression affects nearly 80% of women. It is not restricted to women having their first baby. Postpartum depression can affect any woman after birth, regardless of the number of times she has given birth. While most cases are mild, some cases can develop into postpartum psychosis. There are no specific risk factors for postpartum depression, and no determining factors for its progression with the exception of a lack of support and the necessary help. Physicians who are in tune with women’s health needs are more able to diagnose and treat postpartum depression than those who are unfamiliar with women’s needs and their normal and abnormal development. Women’s gynecological health encompasses more than vaginal health. Reproductive health, breast health, and birth control and sexual health are all included in gynecological health. While annual examinations with a qualified gynecologist are important to maintaining gynecological health, symptoms which require interim gynecological care include abnormal vaginal discharge, especially is if it thick, yellow, green, grey, or has an unusual odor, vaginal pain, severe breast discomfort, or anything that seems out of the ordinary. Women do know their bodies and women should be able to tell when something isn’t right. If it causes a woman to be concerned, the best advice is an appointment with a gynecologist.
    Women who have unprotected sex with either gender are at a greater risk for vaginal and gynecological health issues, but all women need regular gynecological care. As women age, they need breast examinations, various tests and often menopausal help. All of these factors place a woman at less risk of problems later if she has maintained her gynecological care. Women’s health needs are vastly different from the health needs and concerns that relate to men. Maintaining a high level of women’s health requires an awareness and regular visits with the appropriate physicians. Women’s health involves very serious health issues when ignored, and naturally ignoring these issues can lead to severe problems which include death.